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All About Liver Transplantation In India

Liver transplant is a method of surgically replacing a diseased liver with new or partially liver from another person. A liver transplant takes place in only two situations that is acute liver failure or chronic liver failure. The operation procedure generally takes up 12hours and requires a 6 to 7days hospital stay after the transplant. A person travelling from outside, might have to stay for 4 to 6 weeks in the India. The test that is required for the transplant procedure is blood test of ine, Bilirubin, INR, Creatine or the Kidney function test.

Liver transplant doctor and cost

Health care costs in India has risen to such a level that poor and middle class section of people cannot even afford to take the treatment. And when it comes to getting operated for liver transplant involving replacement of damaged liver with healthy liver which is life threatening as success rate is not 100%. And even after paying for expensive surgery which does not reverse the liver damage, patient has to take costly medicines. At any point in time in India, around 25000-40000 patients are in need of this surgery. The cost of liver transplant in India at private hospitals is between 18 -20 Lakh and varies according to the hospital, city, surgeon amongst few other factors. However, hospitals offer cheap packages depending on the liver transplant doctor in India. There are doctors who do cheap surgeries from patients who come from low economical backgrounds, however to get an appointment of these doctors is a very tedious task.

liver transplantation procedure

The most commonly used technique is orthotopic transplantation, in which the native liver is removed and replaced by the donor organ in the same anatomic location as the original liver. Liver transplantation is a viable treatment option for end-stage liver disease and acute liver failure. Typically, three surgeons and two anesthesiologists are involved, with up to four supporting nurses. The surgical procedure is very demanding and ranges from 4 to 18 hours depending on the outcome. Numerous anastomoses and sutures, and many disconnections and reconnections of abdominal and liver tissue, must be made for the transplant to succeed, requiring an eligible recipient and a well-calibrated live or cadaveric donor match. Every year around 50000-60000 patients requires the liver transplant in India. But, in India mortality ratio is high. The reason for such high deaths is, only around 2000 patients undergo liver transplant surgery in India.

A common reason for this low turnout ratio for surgery is due to reasons like lack of awareness, the cost of the treatment which is why patients are unable to do undergo the liver transplant in India. The organ transplanted is the foreign organ for your body the important part is that the body of the patient accepts the foreign organ. This will require a strong immune system; doctor tries to provide patient support to the immune system, by proper medication and drugs. Both the patients need to undergo regular check-ups this will continue for their life time but the time cycle of check-up time will gradually increase by time

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