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Five Ways Flooring Can Make A Space Appear Bigger

For years interior designers have been coming up with new and innovative ways to make small rooms look bigger.

As detailed in Remodelista some of the most common ways of achieving this are by using mirrors, lighting or positioning furniture in a certain way. But did you know that your flooring can also make a big difference?

Colour coordinate

It’s a common misconception that dark woods make a room look smaller. However, when paired with the right colour scheme – walls and furnishings that are cool and bright – dark wood flooring can make a room appear larger.

Diagonal lines

Regardless of your chosen flooring option, try your best to lay it in diagonal lines. This trick of the eye creates a different perspective and makes the room appear bigger.

Wide boards

If you’re opting for hardwood flooring, use long wide plank flooring such as that from ( This creates fewer seams and makes for flooring that looks less busy giving a more open and spacious feel.

Patterned flooring

If you are using tiled, patterned flooring (think carpet or vinyl tiles) always opt for the bigger tiles. The pattern will be bigger thus creating a sense of more space in the room.


A running theme between rooms will create a more open and spacious feel, whereas too many abrupt changes interrupts the flow. If it’s not possible to use the same flooring room to room then try to use similar colours.

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