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Galapagos And South America: What To Pack?

The first mistake that most travellers make when planning their trip is packing far too much stuff. It’s more important to avoid weighing yourself down with unnecessary items “just in case” when you can buy most of what you need while you’re out there – but having said that, there are definitely some essentials you won’t want to travel without.

Practical Items

Even if you’re not planning to hike up any mountains, sturdy shoes and a good-quality backpack are going to make your holiday a whole lot easier. On Galapagos holidays, you might get away with just wearing Teva-style sandals or tennis shoes, but for most South American trips you’ll be thankful for a strong but lightweight pair of walking boots as well as some lighter shoes or sandals to give your feet a breather.

A good backpack will be a blessing, and you can also include a dry bag to help keep things organised and protected within your backpack. ZipLoc bags, or even just ordinary plastic bags, can also be very handy for organising your backpack.

Clothes and Toiletries

In terms of clothing, you’ll probably appreciate packing a mix of garments that allow you to enjoy the sun and to cover up when necessary – so a few short-sleeve shirts and a couple of pairs of shorts, plus one or two pairs of lightweight full-length trousers and a couple of long-sleeve shirts will be perfect.

Don’t forget hiking socks as well as normal socks, and a light rain jacket is a must, as well as a wide-brimmed hat and that all-important swimming gear. As for toiletries, your toothbrush, toothpaste and deodorant are really all you need.


Of course, there are also the obvious essential items, such as your passport, boarding passes, debit or credit cards, some local currency and any personal medication you might have. Ultimately, what you need to take will depend on what kind of trip you’re going on – see for some of the types of holiday on offer in the Galapagos islands, for example.

Some final quick tips: take a book that you’re happy to swap with other travellers on the way. You’ll also definitely want your camera and plenty of memory cards and batteries to make sure you don’t miss out on any amazing memories.

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