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Ten keys to becoming an international company

Exporting is not internationalize; sell a service or product out does not guarantee maturity in foreign distribution channel.

1. Be clear about the goal
Although it may seem obvious, the first step is to analyze the point (industry, product or service to export, etc.), and be clear about where you want and why you can get. In internationalization not always want is power.

Two. Knowing the fate
You need to know the idiosyncrasies of the destination country, their customs, their demands, their needs. In internationalization, the first barrier is not knowing the? Languages? consumer, but speaks the same language.

Three. Adapting products
Do not repeat the same formulas, but have worked in the country: you have to adapt your product or service to the new destination. In the internationalization remains the maxim that the customer is always right.

April. Develop financial plans
If times are hard in the country of origin, internationalization either. We need to develop financial plans, costs, forecasting, feasibility, etc..

5. Analyze the Competition
Gotta try the products and services offered by the competition in the destination country, to discuss the situation. It is necessary to survey and listen to importers, distributors and consumers. Do not believe everything that is not checked.

6. See the entry barriers
It should clear all entry barriers or non-tariff barriers. From there, you have to design a plan for prevention and control of contingencies. IN internationalization, is worth learning from mistakes and overcoming them, to regret a serious loss after a great success chance.

7. Marketing and communication
We need to develop a communication plan and proper marketing to the target market with relevant cultural adaptation. What is not disclosed not last, but what is transmitted erroneously complains helplessly.

8. Use representatives
The overseas business is done with good products and services, but always with face, eyes and ears on the ground. Therefore, to be successful you need implemented, be present in the target market, or at least have adequate representation. Know-how is as important as knowing how to be.

9. Speaking the same language
Language is not a barrier, it is an opportunity. But you have to integrate to speak the same language of the consumer. It should be a personal communication, not served with a standardized.

10. Add value
The international sale must be understood as a local sale: should be just what you can do well, add the value of knowledge, sale service, quality, and focus on continuous improvement of products or services.

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