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The Benefits Of Prenatal Yoga

Set aside your ego and passion where you find yourself today. Prenatal yoga classes in Mumbai, is the best thing which you can provide for yourself and the growing baby. It is important that you find the right form of yoga practice for you. Be it visiting a yoga class, watching a DVD or practicing it in the comfort of your home. Listen to your body and do what you feel right. Let us analyze on some of the benefits associated with practicing yoga during pregnancy.

Develops balance and strength

As the baby grows within the body, more energy or strength, is needed to carry the body weight of the baby. The various yoga poses strengthen our arms, hips, shoulder along with the back.


The balance is challenged physically as the fetus develops within the body. It is a stage where we are emotionally drained due to the increase in estrogen. As the focus is on holding along with breathing during each pose we are able to find the perfect balance both at the physical or the emotional level.

Relieves tension of the back, neck, hips and the shoulders

As the baby grows more stress is put on the specific muscle groups in the body. Due to the increased size of the belly there is a tendency of developing a lower back curve. Due to the added pressure of the weight of the baby on the belly the hips tend to get a lot tighter. Since the size of the breast increases, the chest along with the upper back has a lot of tension in the neck and the shoulders.

The nervous system is calmed

Through the system of deep breathing the nervous system goes into parasympathetic mode, which aids in the relaxation process. When the body is in that mode, the digestive system operates normally, the immune system is optimal and we are able to sleep much better.

Preparation of labor

During each pose of yoga, you are working with conscious breathing space. This can be challenging and sometimes it transforms on to the time of labor where it becomes uncomfortable for breathing. Once you inhale you feel the tension as part of it. As deeply as you exhale, you tend to let a lot of things go with it.

Connection with the baby

The main objective of Prenatal yoga classes in Mumbai, the yoga lays onus on slowing down and pay attention to the needs of the body. This is working with our breath and doing each pose, you become aware of what is going within.

Increase in circulation

Circulation is increased within our joints along with our muscles during elongated sessions of practice. Once the circulation of blood within our bodies is achieved, the swelling decreases and the immunity are enhanced. In the process, a healthy environment is being created for a developing baby.

Practice of breathing work

It works out to be an effective tool during contractions. If we are constantly breathing our blood pressure along with heart beat is regulated and it is kept in the mode of relaxation. In an equal manner, it calms the baby as well.

This is that time when the need arises to slow down and work on certain areas. Through the practice of yoga, you are not only taking care of yourself but of the baby.

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