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What Is Human Capital?

The standard 11 is the base for the commerce students. They are provided with the basic concepts of various subjects of the commerce stream at this level, and the textbook of economics is provided with such all concepts. It offers the knowledge of the field in brief to the learners. One of such important concepts is the concept of Human capital. There is a complete chapter on this topic to help the learners understand the point in detail.

Human Capital is a term which is meant to define the skill, knowledge, and experience gathered by an individual or a group of individual and this form of capital is measured in terms of their value or cost in respect to a particular organization and country. Human capital is the foundation of a capitalistic economy, and in a developing country like India, human capital has bright prospects. This is because it is a developing country with a lot of young men willing to work at low labor cost due to the density of population and the lower availability of jobs. To understand it better, in the past decade a good part of the youth population is joining the BPO’s which are primarily outsourcing companies. Human capital is used by foreign countries more so because in India it is cheaper than in the first world countries.

Class 11 Economics Chapter 5: Human Capital Formation in India

Human capital in itself comes with a few nuances, and a student of Class 11 is acquainted with the same in CBSE Class 11 Chapter 5. Class 11 Economics Chapter 5 Human Capital Formation in India deals with a few specific topics. They are:

These are a few topics that the chapter deals with. It is important to understand that whereas India is a good source of human capital, the Indian government itself has to develop various sectors like education, health training, etc. constantly. The more the jobs are created, the more human capital is put to right use. So this is a constant circle that has to be maintained and satiated at the same time.

How will the online tuitions help?

In this age, everyone is shifting to digital apparatuses and taking tuitions has also transformed its medium. To learn through your personal digital devices, sitting in your home is better both for the student and the teacher. All you have to do is enroll our name into and course an take your tuitions online without any hassle. Moreover, the online tuition sites also keep conducting examinations and mock tests to prepare the student for the board exams. You will not find any compromise in the quality of teaching since the highly qualified teachers teach you. All you are to do is sit with a pen and a paper and be attentive throughout the class.

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